AARO Academy

AARO Academy erbjuder onlinekurser som tillgodoser olika inlärningsbehov i AARO, koncernredovisning och IFRS-standarderna, samt utbildning i integrerad rapportering och hållbarhet.
Vår vision är att vara en kompetenshöjande långsiktig partner i alla delar av koncernrapportering – oavsett om du använder AARO eller ej.

ESG, GRI, integrerad rapportering & mer

Insights and publications from AARO Academy

Hållbarhet, integrerad rapportering & mer

Vi erbjuder kurser i hållbarhet, integrerad rapportering, samt skräddarsydda one-to-one-sessioner. Alla kurser hålls på engelska.


Om IFRS-kurserna

Vi erbjuder allmän, praktisk IFRS-utbildning som passar alla som arbetar med koncernredovisning och IFRS. Alla kurser är tillgängliga på engelska, flera kurser hålls även på svenska.

Om AARO-kurserna

Vi erbjuder praktiska kurser i olika delar av AARO som täcker din koncerns behov. Alla kurser hålls på engelska.

AARO Academy kurser
AARO country by country

Besök AARO Academy på YouTube

Upptäck världen av koncernredovisning genom att se några smakprov från våra ordinarie kurser i IFRS, AARO, hållbarhetsrapportering och mer. Vi kan också skräddarsy kurser i valfri standard på förfrågan.


AARO Lease IFRS 16

This course gives you the basics of the product AARO Lease IFRS 16 – the tool that gives you control over your leasing contracts and the IFRS 16 effects in your group.

Upcoming dates

24 feb
24 mar

AARO Legal In-depth

AARO Legal In-depth is a continuation of the AARO Group Accounting training, for you who work with the acquisition register in AARO.

Upcoming dates

Upon request

AARO Analysis – Dashboard and Charts

Create dashboards for your daily analysis or share dashboards with management, controllers, or company reporters.

Upcoming dates

11 mar
8 apr

AARO Analysis – Reports and Excel

AARO Analysis – Reports and Excel is an introduction to AARO’s powerful report module.

Upcoming dates

24 feb
24 mar

AARO Company Reporting

These two training sessions have a clear focus on the closing process in AARO from a reporting subsidiary’s perspective.

Upcoming dates

9 apr
14 maj

Delta Training in AARO

Delta training in the new functionalities in AARO24.3.

Upcoming dates

Upon request

ESG Overview

A course that addresses practical application challenges in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting, and acts as a precursor to specific trainings on GRI and ESRS reporting frameworks.

Upcoming dates

7 mar
11 apr

GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Training

The GRI course provides a comprehensive understanding of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). It addresses practical application challenges in ESG reporting, with specification on the GRI framework.

Upcoming dates

22 apr
23 maj

AARO Group Accounting

When you are new to using AARO as your group consolidation system, this two session’s training will be important to give you an overview of how to handle the group’s consolidation and closing.

Upcoming dates

18 feb
18 mar

IAS 16 Property, plant & equipment

Learn how to identify the specific requirements of IAS 16 Property, Plant & Equipment. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

28 feb
28 mar

IAS 36 Impairment of assets

This training gives you technical and operational knowledge on the impairment of assets. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

29 mar

IFRS 1 First-time adoption of IFRS

A practical training on how to adopt IFRS for the first time. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

26 feb
26 mar

IFRS 13 Fair value measurement

Get technical and operational knowledge on Fair value measurement and disclosures. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

27 feb
27 mar

IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers

Get an overview of the standard on IFRS 15 – Revenue from contracts with customers. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

9 apr
14 maj

IFRS 16 Lease Accounting

A course that provides a simplified understanding of the complexities of lease accounting. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

17 feb
14 apr

IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts

Get the information needed to identify the specific requirements of the new IFRS 17 Insurance standards. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

19 feb
19 mar

IFRS 2 Share-based payments

Get to understand the background, scope, principles and key requirements of IFRS 2 in a practical manner. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

25 feb
25 mar

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

This module offers an in depth yet simplified analysis of the IFRS 9 principles. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

10 mar
7 apr

IFRS Advanced Group Accounting

A course that supports reporting accountants who require practical and detailed group accounting knowledge. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

5 mar
3 apr

IFRS Group Accounting

A course for accountants who requires a refresher in practical group accounting techniques. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

3 mar
1 apr

IFRS Overview

This course gives you an overview of the IFRS framework and highlights the key aspects of all the IFRS standards. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

Upcoming dates

21 feb
21 mar

Integrated Reporting (IR)

A practical and interactive training about reporting all financial matters of a company, together with its sustainability agenda, in a single report.

Upcoming dates

24 feb
24 mar

One-to-one online training sessions

We offer One-to-one sessions for all the areas covered within the courses we deliver online.

Upcoming dates

Upon request

AARO System Administration – Closing Administration

Learn the fundamental building blocks of developing your reporting packages and periods.

Upcoming dates

10 mar
7 apr

AARO System Administration – Reporting and User Restrictions

Learn how to ensure that all entities and users report correctly and only have access to relevant data.

Upcoming dates

20 feb
20 mar

AARO System Administration – Workflows and Reconciliation

Get the tools to monitor the company reporters’ progress and guide on when controllers can start the analysis of the closing.

Upcoming dates

17 feb
14 apr