CEO’s Statement

A year goes fast when you’re having fun. Soon, all of 2013 will have passed and it’s time for reflection. One of the highlights was the User Conference on 30th September. We had many fruitful discussions with you about how you’d like us and the AARO product to continue to evolve to meet your objectives.

It is especially pleasing that the latest version AARO 15 was received so well. The new module for the management of internal transactions (Inter-Company) was long overdue, so it will be an intense winter and spring with many upgrades waiting.

The survey we conducted after the conference shows that many of the presentations made were very rewarding and inspiring. The presentation on cashflow in AARO has meant that many more have seen the benefits of taking out their cashflow in AARO, and many of them have taken help from us. The positive feedback we received from the presentation about how AARO is used by others has resulted in us deciding that next year we will hold several breakfast seminars on this topic.

Finally, I would again like to thank user conference guest speakers. These were accounting
specialists Sara Fornelius and Karin Söderlund from PwC who talked about IFRS and K3, and Karl-Henrik Sundström, Head of Printing and Living at Stora Enso, who talked about performance management in practice. Much appreciated!

Jörgen Persson

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