Code of Conduct

Human Rights

AARO supports the International Human Rights, expressed in the United Nation Declarations and Conventions. We express great importance in ensuring the basic human rights of our employees in accordance with the core conventions of the International Labour Organization.


AARO shall be a positive and professional workplace for all, with an including work environment. High levels of satisfaction and good health among all employees is something that we as a company promote and value. We respect our employee’s right to privacy but require openness and loyalty towards the AARO group and the interest of the AARO group. As an employee, I will always perform my work to the best of my ability, and not compromise my performance to personal gain and benefits. I avoid conflicts of interest as far as possible.


AARO shall always show a high level of dedication and responsibility towards the environment and its protection. We use and promote environmentally friendly technology and minimize environmental destruction. As an employee at AARO, I will choose environmentally friendly options and solutions as far as possible when travelling.


All employees at AARO are bound to confidentiality by law according to our employee NDA, covering both AARO as a company and our customers. This applies to intellectual assets, such as our processes, work methods, concepts and ideas that are important to the success and business of the AARO Group. As an employee, I will participate, protect, and manage this commitment with the company’s interest in focus.

Personal data

The handling of your personal data is a subject to the care and knowledge required in accordance with laws and regulations and applies to any sensitive information, whether it is data of employees, customers, or others.

The processing and caretaking of customers’ personal data shall be limited to the customers’ instruction and be according to applicable legislation. This means that I as an employee at AARO, will follow the AARO guidelines for handling of customers’ personal data. These guidelines are found in our IT processes regarding handling of our customer data.

External communication

All information from the AARO Group shall be professional, accurate and have a high level of ethical standard. Communication with media, the public, our customers, and financial markets shall be according to our processes and procedures.

Public authorities shall be addressed in an appropriate and transparent way. Public information communicated about the AARO Group shall be provided by the CEO in collaboration with management team, depending on the nature of the information required.

Financial responsibility

The AARO Group and its accountants shall ensure that all transactions of financial means have been recorded in accordance with local law and standard accounting principles.

Customer and supplier relations

Our customers shall always be treated with understanding, respect, and proper attention. As an employee at AARO, I will always try to satisfy our customers to the best of my ability with our business ethics in mind. Our customers’ personal data shall be protected and handled in accordance with local laws and regulations, and our policies for personal data protection.

Suppliers and competitors to the AARO Group must be treated impartially and fairly. Our way to compete on the market is based on good products and service. We always greet suppliers and competitors with a high standard.


The AARO Group stands strongly against all forms of corruption. As an employee at AARO, I will never engage in any form of corruption. I will also never offer or accept illegal or inappropriate gifts for the purpose of personal or business-related gain for myself or others. I will never make arrangements where gifts have an intermediary meaning or purpose that can be precepted as any form of corruption. All AARO employees shall be very careful while receiving offers or accepting gifts from others in a business-related situation where the purpose might be to influence business decisions.

If I discover any violations of rules and guidelines, I will notify my immediate manager. If this is not possible for some reason, I will report the incident to the CEO or other member of the AARO management team. AARO does not allow any form of repercussion against those who in good faith reports incidents/violations against our Code of Conduct.


All questions about application or interpretation of this Code of Conduct shall be addressed to the AARO management team. The management team holds the responsibility to take any action they see as necessary to investigate potential violations reported to them.

The guidelines from the Code of Conduct applies to all AARO staff as well as people acting on behalf of AARO. The manager has the responsibility of making sure that this Code of Conduct is followed by everyone in their department. The employee has the responsibility to read and follow this Code of Conduct.