
What is happening in IFRS, speaker Claes Norberg

Something is always happening in IFRS and now we can look forward to the introduction of three major standards: IFRS 9, IFRS 15 and IFRS 16, all three of which will affect group accounting in different ways.

On Thursday 21 April we held a breakfast seminar at our office, where Claes Norberg of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) talked about the ways in which corporate groups can be affected by the new standards, and what it is important to remember when implementing them.

After that, Ulla Moberg showed carefully selected parts of AARO and how our system can be used for data collection and consolidation in an IFRS context.

Both Ulla’s and Claes’s depth of knowledge and their enthusiastic talks were received extremely positively, and several participants stayed on afterwards to discuss different challenges connected with implementing the standards in practice.

Many thanks to both speakers and participants.

Stay on the alert for invitations to future seminars, which you can find here on www.aaro.com, in your mailbox or on our LinkedIn page.

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