Client case


Manual work seamlessly automated and data entry errors eliminated when DNA implements AARO for group consolidation and IFRS compliance.

DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. It has more than 4 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. In 2019, DNA’s net sales were EUR 942 million.

Prior to AARO product introduction, DNA used a competing group consolidation system. When it was time to upgrade to a newer version, DNA decided to search for a new solution to meet their needs. They identified and evaluated a plethora of AARO competitors. After thorough vetting, DNA chose us and the flexible AARO product suite.

Kyösti Bergdahl was project manager for the 2016 AARO implementation, when DNA became one of AARO’s first Finnish customers. He and the DNA team worked hand-in hand with personnel from the AARO company to configure and implement AARO (on-premise), and he highlighted the expertise of a “talented AARO group consolidation professional” for a successful implementation.

During the data migration from their previous system into AARO, Kyösti Bergdahl and the team used AARO’s sophisticated functionality to identify and correct reporting issues.

Today, the company enjoys that AARO provides a link between databases, allowing DNA’s finance professionals to load information directly from their ERP system.

“When preparing financial statements, you must prepare reports and make a lot of notes. The software is now providing the information automatically.”

Kyösti Bergdahl, Development Manager in Finance, DNA

Pekko Rosenberg, Financial Controller at DNA, was involved in the AARO and AARO Lease IFRS 16 implementation. He remarked that after go-live, AARO Lease IFRS 16 was easy to learn and use.

Pekko Rosenberg uses the dynamic functionality to store contracts that fall under the IFRS 16 standard and can import figures and generate reports with ease.

Due to AARO and AARO Connector automation, DNA is working more efficiently, collecting more transparent data, and generating reports faster than ever before. If figures change, end users upload them to AARO and updated reports are seamlessly generated.

“AARO works nicely and has fulfilled our needs. Both consolidation and AARO Lease IFRS 16.”

Kyösti Bergdahl, Development Manager in Finance, DNA

Monthly closing process is now working smoothly and DNA has a robust and fully functional group consolidation and lease registry system.

Kyösti Bergdahl credits AARO’s support’s “fast and valid level of service” as an important part of this long-term success.


  • Process involved many manual tasks.
  • No direct connection between databases.
  • Closing process was time consuming.
  • Data extraction from consolidation software was challenging.


  • AARO (on-premise) chosen for its ease of use and agility compared to competing solutions.
  • AARO Lease IFRS 16 implemented by group consolidation consultants from AARO Systems.
  • AARO Connector automatic loadings feature and direct connection between databases.


  • A more efficient working process.
  • Saving time by loading figures from AARO with AARO Connector.
  • Faster data collection.
  • Figures are now loaded into AARO with ease and reports are quickly generated.
  • Easier to collect accurate figures.

Client case

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