
IFRS courses

IAS 36 Impairment of assets

This training gives you technical and operational knowledge on the impairment of assets. You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate.

This course is designed to give technical and operational knowledge on the impairment of assets.

It helps you understand when an entity should test an asset for impairment, how to test an asset for impairment, and how to measure and recognize impairment losses.

The final part of the course covers IAS 36 disclosures to be disclosed in financial statements.

The half-day training is delivered with an aim of enabling you to clearly understand the key requirements of IAS 36 in a simple manner.

You don’t have to be an AARO user to participate, the training suits everyone working with impaiment of assets.

IAS 36 Impairment of assets


  • Overview and Objective of IAS 36
  • IAS 36 Scope & Definitions
  • Identifying an impaired asset
  • Measuring the recoverable amount
  • Cash-generating units and Goodwill
  • Recognising and reversing an impairment loss
  • Disclosures

Key benefits:

  • Subject matter experts with experience of implementing IFRS 9.
  • Accessible and customized learning for finance and non-finance professionals.


Target group: This course is ideally designed for accounting and finance professionals who require knowledge on the impairment of assets.

✅ CFO’s
✅ Accountants and finance professionals
✅ Group controllers
✅ Financial controllers
✅ Audit experts
✅ Business managers
✅ Property managers

Time (CET): 08:30 am-11:30 am.
Time (EAT):
 10:30 am-1:30 pm.
Time (GST/Dubai):
 11:30 am-2:30 pm.

(Please login to the training session 15 minutes before the start time, to allow time for any technical issues to be resolved.)

When booking, kindly pick a date that doesn’t fall closer than one week from the date of booking.

Course dates

See upcoming dates

29 Mar

Course Registration

IAS 36 Impairment of assets
Full Name *
Email *
Company Name *
Phone number
Select Date (Note: Courses starting within 7 days may be fully booked, please pick next upcoming date.)
Message or requested date (One-to-one & Delta training)
Select option
EUR: €200
SEK: 2,000
USD: $220
AED: 750

Training Subscription: Included

Prerequisite: None
Level: Basic